Friday, February 6, 2009

They call me Mrs. T

As usual I do not have anything very interesting to write about, but I did want to write about the events of the week.

Monday I was off and so was Jonathan. Instead of sulking that we should be working instead of sitting at home, we made it a positive day of togetherness. We ran some errands together, got our taxes done (we are getting a good amount back yay!), and had a wonderful dinner with friends. With the economy the way it is, it scares me that something could happen at any moment and Jonathan wouldn't have a job. I try not to let it bother me, but it is always there in the back of my mind.

Tuesday through Thursday I subbed for a school district other than Norris. The first day was Pre-K and I decided that I would NEVER do that again. Don't get me wrong, I love kids! They have a way off putting me in a good mood and I love to hear what they have to say. I only had seven kids and there was an aide, but I felt like I was going to pull out my hair. I like structure and lessons, but they just aren't at the right age for that. I couldn't even get them to sit down long enough to listen to a story! Oye.
I also subbed for somebody named Mrs. Melton. I have to tell you, that was really bizarre. I don't believe that we are related in any way, but I had the students call me Mrs. Tyson or Mrs. T because that's who I am now! =) I've noticed that the students of all grades prefer Mrs. T to Mrs. Tyson. I think it is funny.

Speaking of funny, I've noticed that every single class I teach asks me how old I am and it is always a boy asking. The other day, when I said I was 24, a student told me that I didn't look "that old". How could I not smile at that? Kids are so honest, its hard not to appreciate it, even if it hurts haha.

I had today off, which was a relief. I don't usually get called until 7:30 or sometimes even 8:30 (yesterday), so I have learned to get up, shower, and get ready before 7:30

just in case
. But I got to go back to sleep and I woke up feeling happy and refreshed.

I'm looking forward to the weekend when I get to spend some quality time with family and the hubby.

Okay this post is boring and has no point, so I'm going to end it.
Bye. =)