Friday, February 6, 2009


Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I never thought I would like being married so much. I love being called somebody's "wife" and I just love being legally bound to the man that I love so much.

2. I would rather me a housewife and stay-at-home mom than work.

3. I'm actually like cooking and I think I might be kind of good at it! I really never realized how easy it was. I really should have started earlier.

4. I love hockey! I don't want to ever play it, but I love going to games and being right there in the action (within the first few rows). Oh and I love the fighting.

5. Shopping is the one guaranteed thing that can put me in a better mood. It can make me happy even if I don't buy anything!

6. Besides being a stay-at-home mom, my dream career would be a party planner. I absolutely LOVE to plan parties!

7.I love to read. There is nothing like getting lost inside the world of a great novel.

8. The Twilight series is my favorite book series. I, like every teenage girl in the world, is in love with Edward and wishes he were real. Sigh I am not ashamed, well, maybe a little

9. Whenever the time is right, I want to start having children. I can't wait until the day when I get to feel a life moving around inside of my belly. One day....

10. I am domestically challenged. I have a messy house and hate to clean. I have lots of clutter! I'm working it though.

11. I watch way too many TV shows, but I love each and every one of them! Especially Jon and Kate Plus Eight and the US of Tara.

12. I would love to be a contestant on "The Biggest Loser" but I don't want to wear only a sports bra on National TV.

13. I'm really big on celebrity gossip. (Yes, I am ashamed to admit it). I check everyday for the latest!

14. I often use references to "Friends" and so does my husband. For example, I refer to him as "my lobster" just like Phoebe said of Ross and Rachel.

15. I would love to start swimming again. I miss it more than I thought I ever would.

16. I have two chinchillas, Sophie and Phoebe. They are amazing animals and have the funniest personalities.

17. I can touch my nose with my tongue and I have been able to do it since I was a baby.

18. I prefer handmade gifts over a store bought gift anytime. Some of my favorites were an album that my aunt made for me, the photo book of my wedding that my mom made me, and the scrapbook full of messages from my friend's that I got when I turned 21!

19. I love everything about pictures! I love taking pictures, even though I am not very good at it and I have boxes and boxes full of pictures. One day they will be organized.

20. I sometimes prefer to do things alone, such as: shopping and exercising. I like my "me" time. Does that make me a loser?

21. Change is hard on me. I wish I adjusted well, but I don't. It's another thing that I am working on.

22. I'm a pack rat. It's bad. I keep almost everything.

23. I love to travel, but I hate living out of a suitcase! I have been extremely lucky to go so many places and I hope to go to many more before I die.

24. My first, middle, and last name all have two syllables in them: April Marie Tyson. Crazy!

25. I found it extremely hard to find 25 interesting things about myself to share. I hope that many more people will do this. I tag you!