Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"I only make the frozen version"

"Wow I don't think I have ever made that"
"I only make the frozen version"

These are just a few of the reactions that I received when I proudly told everyone I know that I made....lasagna!

I have recently decided that I want to become the wives that I have seen on television and the kind of wife that society says you should be. I want to be able to want and love to cook, clean, and keep my house in a neat and organized fashion.

So, last week I bought a box of lasagna noodles and decided it was time to begin my cooking experience.

I made sure I had enough time to make my lasagna before my husband got home and also made sure that he had no idea. (What? I like to surprise my husband! Besides I felt that if it was a flop it would be okay because he would have no idea) I ran to the grocery store to buy something called “ricotta cheese” which I had no idea even existed. Then I ran home and started the oven.

Cooking the meat and noodles.

Do you know how difficult ricotta cheese is to spread? It’s definitely not easy! I continued to make layer after layer. Before I knew it, I had made my very first lasagna!

I then realized how large it was and that we couldn’t possibly finish it on our own, so we invited friends over!

My first blog

Hello. My name is April and I am a newlywed. I was recently married on July 19, 2008 to my high school sweetheart. I love my new life with my husband and I am learning to do all the things a wife should do.

The most important thing you should know is that I am "domestically challenged". I do not cook well and I have a tendency to be a little messy. Phew. I admitted to it.

I have been wanted to make a blog for awhile to express my feelings as a newlywed and just to blog for fun. Myspace does not permit this in my opinion.

I am excited to get this blog page started and I hope you enjoy reading it.