Friday, January 30, 2009

Kids say the cutest and amazing things!

Today I subbed for a first/second grade combo. As fun as it was (it wasn't really), I don't think I could ever do something like that. I would gladly teach them seperately, but never together. During my subbing, I took the kids out for PE and saw the kids that I had subbed for the previous week. They remembered me (even my name!) and seemed very excited to see me. Which made me feel amazing!

After I subbed, I went by Norris to get on their "high priority" sub list and to maybe visit some teachers, especially the teacher I long-termed subbed for last year. The second I walked in the door I was greeted by smiling faces from the ladies in the office and it made me realize how much I've missed working there. I got on their list (Yay!) and made my way to my old classroom. On my way there I heard some kids yelling "Miss Melton! Miss Melton!" and I was extremely happy to see some of my old students. I have to admit this first, I get really attached to things, especially kids I saw 6 hours a day, 5 days a week for four whole months! I won't use names, but A and C were some of my favorite students and I was thrilled to see them. I haven't seen any of that class since I was there the last day of school last year! The told me they missed me, asked me if I got married and what my new name was, how they didn't like their new teacher, and then C said....

"There is something missing from my classroom. (I asked her what?) Well... one your personality and two your stuff"

She also said, "Give my teacher your phone number so that you can teach us again! I want you to be my teacher again!"

My heart completely melted. How is that not one of the sweetest things? It was then that I realized that maybe I actually am a good teacher and this is what I was meant to do. Obviously I have made some sort of impact with these students. They remembered my name after all!

Kids say the darnest things, but they can also say the most amazing things that can touch your heart.