So this past weekend was very eventful!
Saturday our team (Team Kim) had a yard sale to raise money for Relay for Life. It started at 6:30am and we didn't really get anybody until around 8:00am, so we were a little worried that it wasn't going to be successful. But, no worries because people showed up in waves and we sold a large amount of our stuff! I believe our team raised over $1,200 with the stuff from the yard sale, baked goods, donations, and raffle tickets! Good for us!
Raffle baskets
Items for sale
After the yard sale, Jonathan and I went to go look at some kittens that were being given away. We have been thinking about getting a cat for awhile, but needed to get a small cat because of the chinchillas. We figured if it was smaller than them then it wouldn't try to attack them or try to be the dominant animal. And we found our kitten! She is so precious! I just love her! The first day she was very timid and wouldn't leave our side. Now she is starting to explore the apartment and getting into stuff. But when she wants to sleep, she cuddles with us. It's so adorable. We have yet to name her. Jonathan wants to name her "cat" like Audrey Hephburn does on "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but I don't like it. Hopefully we can find another name soon. Look how adorable she is! She is even smaller than our remote control!
This is what she looks like right now. Super cute!