Monday, October 13, 2008

Til' Death

Being married is still very new to me. I still have to remind myself that we are no longer "dating" and that we are now man and wife. I often catch myself saying "my fian....husband" and even calling him my husband sounds strange. How easy is it to change a almost ten year habit? For seven years he was my boyfriend and for exactly two years he was my fiance. It's okay though, he does it too.

I changed my last name last month. The process wasn't a big hassle like I thought it was going to be. Between getting the marriage license (why don't they send it to you?), the social security office, the DMV, and the bank the whole process of becoming Mrs. Jonathan Tyson only took about an hour haha. I love looking at my new license (minus the picture gag!) and signing my new name. (You think nine years have practice would have perfected my new married signature, but it hasn't)

I love the fact that he is my husband and that I am going to spend the rest of my life with him. I can't wait until the time that buy our first car together, our first home, have our first child, etc. I just love him and I am so happy that we took that step and got married.

Luckily he likes to cook and grocery shop with me. Oh and he loves me too! He tells me every chance he gets.

I just lucked out I guess.